The Ninth International Saga Conference

The Ninth International Saga Conference
31 July—6 August 1994

Samtíðarsögur / The Contemporary Sagas

Samtíðarsögur / The Contemporary Sagas: Höfundar / Preprints, I-II, ed. Sverrir Tómasson (Reykjavík: Stofnun Árna Magnússonar, 1994).

  1. Adolf Friðriksson: Sturlunga minjar.
  2. T. M. Andersson: The literary prehistory of Eyjafjǫrðr.
  3. Ármann Jakobsson: Nokkur orð um hugmyndir Íslendinga um konungsvald fyrir 1262.
  4. Patricia A. Baer: The folk tale perspective and political reality in Hranfkels saga.
  5. Sverre Bagge: Strategy and tactics in the Contemporary sagas: The battle og Fimreite.
  6. Baldur Hafstað: Af Gísl Illugasyni.
  7. Graham Barwell and John Kennedy: Bishop Charles Vann Pilcher and the Christian poetry of medieval Iceland.
  8. Heinrich Beck: Þiðreks saga als Gegenwartsdichtung?
  9. Alan J. Berger: Law in Njáls saga.
  10. Bergljót S. Kristjánsdóttir: …ekki ætlaða ek at þat væri mín yfirseta …: Vangaveltur um vísur og vinnubrögð sagnaritara í Hákonar sögu.
  11. Régis Boyer: Were the Icelanders good Christians, according to Samtíðarsögur?
  12. Lois Bragg: Disfigurement, disability and dis-integration in Sturlunga saga.
  13. Agneta Breisch: Frid och fredlöshet.
  14. G. Brugnoli, C. Santini and F. Stok: Victor Hugo as a reader of the Edda: Han d’Islande.
  15. Jesse L. Byock: State and statelessness in early Iceland.
  16. Ivan Chekalov: Macbeth and Sverrir.
  17. George Clark: Hallgerðr Höskuldsdóttir: Her domestic economy and the realization of her mixed moral nature.
  18. Margaret Clunies Ross: Myth and society in Íslendinga saga.
  19. Margaret Cormack: Women and gender in the sagas of Icelandic saints.
  20. Kari Ellen Gade: 1236: Órœkia meiddr ok heill gerr.
  21. Richard Gaskins: Images of social disorder in Sturla Þórðarsons’s Íslendinga saga.
  22. Gísli Sigurðsson: Ólafur Þórðarson hvítaskáld og munnleg kvæðahefð á Vesturlandi um miðja 13. öld: Vitnisburður vísnadæmanna í 3. málfræðiritgerðinni.
  23. Galina Glazyrina: Vikings in a pagan temple in Bjarmaland: The development of a motif in Old Norse sagas.
  24. Guðrun Ingólfsdóttir: Þar ber eg litla hugsan fyrir: Konan, forsjónin og karlinn í Haukdæla þætti.
  25. Guðrun Nordal: Animal imagery in Íslendinga saga: The wolf and the fall of Sturla Sighvatsson.
  26. Terry Gunnell: Grýla, Grýlur, Grøleks and Skeklers: Folk drama in the North Atlantic in the early Middle Ages?
  27. Elena. A. Gurevich: The system of kennings.
  28. Jan Ragnar Hagland: Ingimundr prestr Þorgeirsson and Icelandic runic literacy in the 12th century.
  29. Peter Hallberg: Bergr Sokkason and religious Icelandic literature.
  30. Andrew Hamer: Moralised translation in Strengleikar.
  31. Haraldur Ólafsson: Eru Íslendingasögur mannfræðilegar heimildir?
  32. Fredrik J. Heinemann: The post-scenic element in Icelandic saga.
  33. Helgi Þorláksson: Þjóðleið hjá Brekku og Bakka: Um leiðir og völd i Öxnadal við lok þjóðveldis.
  34. Inga Huld Hákonardóttir: Hugleiðingar um kvenmyndir í Sturlungu og Danmerkursögu (Gesta Danorum) Saxa.
  35. Tatjana N. Jackson: Russian-Norwegian relations in the middle og the 13th century as depicted by Hákonar saga gamla Hákonarsonar.
  36. Judith Jesch: Negotiating traditions: Recent history in Orkneyinga saga.
  37. Jenny Jochens: Snorris kvinder.
  38. Peter A. Jorgensen: Four literary styles in three centuries: The Old Icelandic Theophilus legend.
  39. Jón Karl Helgason: On Danish borders: Icelandic sagas in German occupied Denmark.
  40. Jón Viðar Sigurðsson: Utenlandske kvinnhelgener på Island i høymiddelalderen.
  41. Marianne Kalinke: Augustinus saga: A learned and a popular version.
  42. Simas Karaliūnas: The information on the Aistians in Ólafs saga Tryggvasonar and its importance for the history of the east Baltic region.
  43. James E. Knirk: The genetic relationship between the two versions of Bǫglunga sǫgur.
  44. Henry Kratz: Þorlákr’s miracles.
  45. Riti Kroesen: Ambiguity in the relationship between heroes and giants.
  46. Hans Kuhn: The emergence of a saint’s cult as witnessed by the Jarteinabækr Þorláks byskups.
  47. Carolyne Larrington: Gender and genre: Politics, texts and Rannveigar leizla.
  48. Rikke Malmros: Det sene hedenskabs samfundsideologi: Kan en historiker bruge hedenske fyrstekvad?
  49. Edith Marold: Vom Umgang mit Feinden.
  50. John Stanley Martin: The function of bishops in the early Icelandic church.
  51. Inna G. Matiushina: Rhyme and alliteration in skaldic and Eddic verse.
  52. Rory McTurk: The supernatural in Sturlunga (summary).
  53. Lotte Motz: The magician and his craft.
  54. Britt-Mari Näsström: En nordisk Tannhäuser.
  55. Gudlaug Nedrelid: Gizurr Þorvaldsson — Miskjend helt, eller største skurken i islandsk historie?
  56. Orri Vésteinsson: Skjalagerð og sagnaritum.
  57. Ólafía Einarsdóttir: Om samtidssagaens kildeværdi belyst ved Hákonar saga Hákonarsonar.
  58. Diego Poli: Why the name Iceland?
  59. Judy Quinn: Contemporary poetics: Theorizing traditional versification in the Sturlung age.
  60. Giovanna Salvucci: Sturlunga saga: An essential source for a thanatological approach to the Middle Ages.
  61. Hubert Seelow: Der Geirmundar þáttr heljarskinns in der Sturlunga saga.
  62. Inge Skovgaard-Petersen: Sturla Þórðarsons fristat.
  63. Ulrike Sprenger: Die Darstellung des Vorspiels und des Gottesurteils selbst in der Hákonarsaga Hákonarsonar von Sturla Þórðarson.
  64. Sveinbjörn Rafnsson: Merlínusspá í sögulegu samhengi — Fáein drög til sögulegrar gagnrýni.
  65. Marvin Taylor: On Gizurr Þorvaldsson’s speaking style.
  66. Torfi H. Tulinius: The purloined shield; or Egils saga Skalla-Grímssonar as a Contemporary saga.
  67. Stephen N. Tranter: Monster-episodes in Grettis saga: A case of reoralization?
  68. Úlfar Bragason: Ok þó kunna menn at telja ættir sínar til Hrómundar Gripssonar: Sagnaskemmtun á Reykhólum og Sturlunguhöfundur.
  69. Vésteinn Ólason: The political element in Íslendinga saga (summary).
  70. Viðar Hreinsson: Frásagnaraðferð Sturlu sögu.
  71. Leonie Viljoen: The British text of Svínfellinga saga — Bad copy or creative compilation?
  72. Andrew Wawn: Brass-brained rivalries: The birth and death of Sturlunga saga in Victorian Britain.
  73. Diana Whaley: Miracles in the Biskupa sögur: Icelandic variations on an international theme.
  74. Kirsten Wolf: The cult of Saint Anne in Iceland.
  75. Stephanie Würth: Thomas Becket: Ein literarisches und politisches Modell für die islandische Kirche im 13. Jahrhundert.
  76. Anton Zimmerling: The text-building functions of names and nicknames in Sverris saga and Bǫglunga sǫgur.
  77. Örnólfur Thorsson: Grettir sterki og Sturla lögmaður.

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