The Eleventh International Saga Conference

The Eleventh International Saga Conference
2—7 July 2000

Old Norse Myths, Literature and Society

Old Norse myths, literature and society: The proceedings of the 11th International Saga Conference, 2-7 July 2000, University of Sydney, ed. Geraldine Barnes and Margaret Clunies Ross (Sydney: Centre for Medieval Studies, University of Sydney, 2000).

Click here to download a PDF of the full publication. For individual papers and other materials, click on the titles below.

  1. David Ashurst: Journey to the Antipods: Cosmological and mythological themes in Alexanders saga.
  2. Sverre Bagge: Rígsþula and Viking Age society (abstract).
  3. Richard N. Bailey: Scandinavian myth on Viking-period stone sculpture in England.
  4. Simonetta Battista: Interpretations of the Roman pantheon in the Old Norse hagiographic sagas.
  5. Mai Elisabeth Berg: Myth or poetry: A brief discussion of some motives in the Elder Edda.
  6. Claudia Bornholdt: The bridal-quest narratives in Þiðreks saga and the German Waltharius poem as an extension of the Rhenish bridal-quest tradition.
  7. Trine Buhl: Reflections on the use of narrative form in Hrafnkels saga Freysgoða (abstract).
  8. Phil Cardew: Hamhleypur in Þorskfirðinga saga: A post-classical ironisation of myth?
  9. Martin Chase: The Ragnarǫk within: Grundtvig, Jung and the subjective interpretation of myth.
  10. Carol Clover: Saga facts (abstract).
  11. Einar. G. Pétursson: Brynjólfur biskup Sveinsson, forn átrúnaður og Eddurnar.
  12. Alison Finlay: Pouring Óðinn’s mead: An antiquarian theme?
  13. Elena Gurevich: Skaldic praise poetry and Macrologia: Some observations on Óláfr Þórðarson’s use of his sources.
  14. Jan Ragnar Hagland: Gerhard Schøning and saga literature.
  15. Anne Mette Hansen: The Icelandic Lucidarius, traditional and new philology.
  16. Lotte Hedeager: Skandinavisk dyreornamentik: Symbolsk repræsentation af en før-kristen kosmologi.
  17. Frands Herschend: Ship grave hall passage — the Oseberg monument as compound meaning.
  18. K. S. Heslop: Gab mir ein Gott zu sagen, was ich leide: Sonatorrek and the myth of skaldic lyric.
  19. John Hines: Myth and reality: The contribution of archaeology.
  20. Peter R. Hupfauf: The role of the artist in contemporary society as compared to pre-Christian and early medieval society in Nothern Europe.
  21. Karl G. Johansson: Bergr Sokkason och Arngrímur Brandsson — översättare oce författare i samma miljö.
  22. Kári Reid: The advantage of self-possession: Knowledge and advice in Þorgils saga ok Hafliða.
  23. John Kennedy: Translations of Old Norse prose 1950-2000.
  24. Thomas Krömmelbein: The reception of Old Norse myth in Germany 1760-1820: Enthusiasm, rejection and recovery (abstract).
  25. Hans Kuhn: Greek gods in Northern costumes: Visual representation of Norse mythology in 19th-century Scandinavia.
  26. Annette Lassen: Hǫðr’s blindness and the pledging of Óðinn’s eye: A study of the symbolic value of the eyes of Hǫðr, Óðinn and Þórr.
  27. Lars Lönnroth: Andrew Ramsay’s and Olof Dalin’s influence on the romantic interpretation of Old Norse mythology.
  28. John McKinnell: Encounters with Völur.
  29. Mindy Macleod: Bandrúnir in Icelandic sagas.
  30. Rory McTurk: Chaucer and Old Norse mythology.
  31. Mats Malm: Baldrs draumar: Literally and literarily.
  32. Edith Marold: Die Húsdrápa als kosmologisches Gedicht.
  33. John Stanley Martin: From Godan to Wotan: An examination of two Langobardic mythological texts.
  34. Bernard Mees: Völkische Altnodistik: The politics of Nordic studies in German-speaking countries 1926-45.
  35. John Megaard: Vagn Åkesons vekst og fall.
  36. Elena Melnikova: The reminiscences of Old Norse myths, cults and rituals in Old Russian literature (abstract).
  37. Stephen Mitchell: Learning magic in the sagas.
  38. Else Mundal: Coexistence of Saami and Norse culture — reflected in and interpreted by Old Norse myths.
  39. Britt-Mari Näsström: Healing hands and magical spells.
  40. Agneta Ney: Genus och rumslighet i Völsunga saga.
  41. Lena Norrman: Woman or warrior? The construction of gender in Old Norse myth.
  42. Richard North: goð geyja: The limits of humour in Old Norse-Icelandic paganism.
  43. Richard Perkins: A verse attributed to Eyvindr skáldaspillir; and again the origin of dróttkvætt (abstract).
  44. Sandra Petersson: Swords, shields and disfigurement: Symbols of law and justice in Norse and modern mythology (abstract).
  45. Russell Poole: Old Norse/Icelandic myth in relation to Grettis saga.
  46. Neil Price: The home of their shapes: Old Norse mythology and the archaeology of shamanism (abstract).
  47. Catharina Raudvere: Myths — ways of telling, ways of arguing (abstract).
  48. Hermann Reichert: Probleme der Quellenbewertung am Beispiel der Gruppenbildung von Göttern, indsbesondere Asen und Wanen.
  49. Elizabeth Ashman Rowe: Origin legends and foundation myths in Flateyjarbók.
  50. Jens Peter Schjødt: Myter som kilder til ritualer — teoretiske og praktiske implikationer.
  51. Rudolf Simek: Rich and powerful: The image of the female deity in migration age Scandinavia.
  52. Daniel Sävborg: Om dateringen av Eddans hjältedikter.
  53. Clive Tolley: The adaptability of myth in Old Norse and Finnish poetry.
  54. Matthew Townend: Contextualising the Knútsdrápur: Skaldic praise-poetry at the court of Cnut.
  55. Torfi H. Tulinius: Saga as a myth: The family sagas and social reality in 13th-century Iceland.
  56. Fedor Uspenskij: A toponymic aspect of the euhemeristic concept: Comments on Snorri’s interpretation of Ásgarðr, Miðgarðr and Útgarðr in the Prose Edda and Ynglingasaga (abstract).
  57. Lars van Wezel: Mythic elements in Hranfkels saga Freysgoða: Prolonged echoes and mythological overlays.
  58. Diana Whaley: Myth and religion in the poetry of a reluctant convert.
  59. Tarrin Wills: The reception of myths concerning literacy and poetry.
  60. Kellinde Wrightson: Three miracles of the Virgin Mary concerning childbirth set in medieval Iceland (abstract).
  61. Stefanie Würth: Ragnarök: Götterdämmerung und Weltende in der nordischen Literatur.

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